so im planning to shut this blog down very soon....
but dnt worry, im nt disappearing...
you can find me now at
now finding my bearing
Monday, August 20, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
i know..
i promised
i didn't keep to my promise.. ;(
if u re confused, then don't worry..
i promised to blog all the time nd since may 2012..
all i've been doing is stalking blogs..
well, i dnt think any1 wants to know the gory story of how i lost the use of my laptop, so lemmy jst get straight to the point here...
I'M ALIVEEEEE... thanks for asking.. :)
now back to the point of today...
i hope all u fashion bloggers/ fashionistas re not here seekig inspiration nd pictures...
lmao... (yeva, u must be smoking baobab to think any1 would come here to look at u dress.)
well... ya;ll should sit back relax and chew on some guava cos i have some cool stories for u. (rubs hands with glee)
u see, this is supposed to be a serious post but cos u guyz have to bear with me.. i knt do anything with a straight face on.. :(
so how many of u recognize this???
how many hands do i see .. 1, 2, 3... o.k ok.
damn.. u are old o...
this is what my post is about.
cool story 1
you see my mum studied history as a major in d uni, nd as mush as ive laughed at her, i secretly admire that.
ive never taken any course in history, but any time i pick up an african classic whic i love soo much.. i connect with the book immediately....
o.k cool story over.. you can now wake up...
i sumbled on this blog recently..theyoungradicals or rather, this particular post.. nd i saw wonderful nd old pictures of my state and i fell in love...
i did another intensive google search.. nd it had to be intensive cos as yaa'll know.. nigeria is bad with records... :( and i found some more pictures...
can u believe this is how bar beach looked like :(
(shakes head slowly)
erm... *scratches head *
lagos island..
i know i waznt even conceived in this period but this pictures make me nostalgic...
y iznt Lagos so beautiful?
nywayz this post is not for debate.. i just want ya'll to enjoy looking at these pictures as much as i did....
and pls lets try not to forget our history..
much love and back rubs..
enjoy an God bless..
Monday, May 7, 2012
i was tagged by Ms♥Infamous and Destiny - Yankeenaijachick + Success :)
Post the rules
You must post 11 things about yourself.
Answer the questions that your tagger posted for you.
Create 11 questions, then choose 11 people and tag them to answer your questions.
Remember to let them know you tagged them.
No tag backs...
Let the tagger know when you answered their questions.
If you had it to do over again what would you study in school?
mass comm, film making or digital media and communications or ill jst stick to my lovely computer science
If you had an extra room in your house what would you use it for?
my personal bedroom all pimped up by me :)
What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
watch my lecturers set my exam questions lool..
Who is there in your life that you would take a bullet for?
my 4 siblings and my mum.
If you could spend five minutes with the president what would you talk about?
i donno but ill make sure ill include "oga jonah, u dey fuck up o... "
What cause are you willing to fight for?
children and media.. (u didnt mean die for abi cos ill only carry placard o. jk. ) i totally hate it when little children shows have violence, sex and pass the wrong message especially the 1z children are addicted to.
How would you explain love to somebody who had never heard of it before?
omo that 1 go hard o. i donno how to explain love.. ill probably make u a music playlist.
If you had a year off with pay, what would you do?
travel to as many places as i can afford, gain weight, learn all the random things i plan to use my youth service year learning like how to cook,sew e.t.c
On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your life right now?
singing *i love my life* probably 9/10 cos therez always room for more happiness
3)Do you have any beauty regime that you always use?
4)What is your favorite beauty product?
5)Do you have one weakness and how you overcame it?
7) What reality show do you watch all the time?
8)Have you done something for anyone this year?
9)Tell me about your day
10) What type of man do you love?
11)What is your favorite song?
Post the rules
You must post 11 things about yourself.
Answer the questions that your tagger posted for you.
Create 11 questions, then choose 11 people and tag them to answer your questions.
Remember to let them know you tagged them.
No tag backs...
Let the tagger know when you answered their questions.
11 questions from Ms♥Infamous
What do you think of when you think of New York or Paris?
new york = bigger lagos
paris= love, french, fashion, baguette
Which one of your character flaws would you like to improve?
im trying to improve on my patience
If you had it to do over again what would you study in school?
mass comm, film making or digital media and communications or ill jst stick to my lovely computer science
If you had an extra room in your house what would you use it for?
my personal bedroom all pimped up by me :)
What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
watch my lecturers set my exam questions lool..
Who is there in your life that you would take a bullet for?
my 4 siblings and my mum.
If you could spend five minutes with the president what would you talk about?
i donno but ill make sure ill include "oga jonah, u dey fuck up o... "
What cause are you willing to fight for?
children and media.. (u didnt mean die for abi cos ill only carry placard o. jk. ) i totally hate it when little children shows have violence, sex and pass the wrong message especially the 1z children are addicted to.
How would you explain love to somebody who had never heard of it before?
omo that 1 go hard o. i donno how to explain love.. ill probably make u a music playlist.
If you had a year off with pay, what would you do?
travel to as many places as i can afford, gain weight, learn all the random things i plan to use my youth service year learning like how to cook,sew e.t.c
On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your life right now?
singing *i love my life* probably 9/10 cos therez always room for more happiness
11 questions from destiny
1) The last place you visited
Ondo state Nigeria... breathtaking hills and rocks..
2)What you ate for lunch
friend rice, spaghetti and egg.. (cafeteria regular)
3)Do you have any beauty regime that you always use?
honey on face every morning, olive oil as part of my body cream, chapet instead of lipgloss
4)What is your favorite beauty product?
honey cos its very versatile
5)Do you have one weakness and how you overcame it?
my major is weakness is dat i can start crying if i see or imagine someone cry (shy face). i still havnt overcome it o... nd the weird thing is that i still dnt know how to express my own emotions.
6)What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?
getting my bsc next month will be a very big accomplishment..
7) What reality show do you watch all the time?
no t.v for me inskul :( but i really like jerseylicious
8)Have you done something for anyone this year?
9)Tell me about your day
typical day: wake up, remember to pray, argue with roommate, go to class, write a test, chase project supervisor, snap pictures in boring class, gist..gist..gist.., find food, get to hostel, chill watch a movie, attempt to study bt get distracted by interesting gist, hang on window to browse,
10) What type of man do you love?
quiet, funny, good looking, smart... im attracted to smart guys. love is unpredictable
11)What is your favorite song?
changes every week/day/month
all time fav = apologize by 1 republic
this year/month/week = kenny g, forever in love
now yevas questions
where would u like to spend your honeymoon
1 thing u really want to talk about but you never do
most embarrassing experience
things you want to change about your self
your ultimate goal in life
if u win big brother, what would u use d money 4?
1 extremely weird thing about u
best movie of all time..
if u could be a child again what would u do differently or change?
if u get pregnant now, will u keep d baby or abort it
best blogger
tagged... u in...
Thursday, March 15, 2012
English, blogging and talents
i not jst recently discovered that my english is terrible and i have a hard time learning new languages..
this did not just happen suddenly o... it happened over a period of time in which i was constantly speaking pidgin english like a militant and making gest of yourba people with their 'H' factor... (p.s im also yourba)
it recently dawned on me that ive become like the people i used to laugh at on a regs.. (chei see my life..)
so una.. the moral lesson of my tory here be say: "make una no dey laugh person wey no fit speak "
sorry: dont laught at people that dont seem to get their tenses right, and cant help it if their "EMEKA" sounds like "HAY-MEKA"
(or at least if you are even gonna laugh small dont poke fun and try to describe what you heard to your friends cos i bet u.. you'll get the (wizkid) sorry the factor too.. ::)))
ok back to moi..... *moment of silence pls*
i used to be an award winning descriptive essayist (well clap awards in my ss3 english Cambridge/WAEC classes count right?)
but now.... i cant say the same of myself.. ,
i also used to write a lot of stories and poems and essays and things like that and i was quite good.. but 1 way or the other i threw my talent away and now i regret it.
now with a fierce determination and a patient attitude (and a search party) im gonna rediscover my talent and use it to do great things (like taking over the world).
i hereby use this medium to reignite my passion and search for my talent (whatever that means)
im gonna write till i get fingers cramp, and in the process over come my factors and my gbagauns and my horrible tenses until i take over the world...
Disclaimer: pls forgive my bad english ehn... i promise to get better.
so today i finally grew the balls to start or rather restart my blog. :)
cheers to the born again blog.. lets drink to that :)
ok before we start drinking and get all drunk, whats courage?
they say its the ability to over confront fear, danger, or intimidation.
all these big words... do we all know the meanings?
personally i dont care..
i define my own courage as picking up that biology textbook even though your skull is unusally thick to biology.
it is picking up that biro and writing what you want to write even though your handwriting can be compared to the footprints of the chicken that just crossed the road.
its saying what you want to say even though u sound stupid to your self.
or taking that cold bath that harmatan morning everybodys doing "rub n shine"
everybody attributes courage to david in the bibble, when he confronted goliath "fearlessly".
hian, who wants to start killing human giants now? have u heard of "the swollen black eye"??
nywayz all im trying and hustling to say here is courage is doing something, anything that'll make a difference even when u scared shit less, even when the world says no,
even if u have to run after, therez nothing like that adrenalin and sense of fufilment that ull get after.
my own act of courage is posting in this blog...
im so mother-hawkish about my articles nd things that i write but now all im saying is:
peace and love.
P.S: i didnt tell u 2 go nd slap chuck norris o.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
short long day
i woke up on the right side of the bed with my laptop snoozing off beside me and i sed to myself... ♪what a wonderful worldddddddd♪♪
then i remembered, yesterday my friend and substitue husband got expelled from this "school" of ours for a crime he knew nofin about and my 'p' button is still faulty. :(
maybe its not such a wonderful world.. *sniff sniff*
*still crying* why God why him??? he didnt do anything...
ok i usually wake up by 5;30 am but in my dream, my (real) boyfriend gave me 40grand instead of the 12grand i asked him for in reallife. who'll wake up 4rm such a dream? (hez not gonna gimme 1kobo in real life so dont start setting p). therefore almighty tolu woke up by 6am, slyed her roommate/bestfriend and went to have her bath.
trust me my dear roomie/bestie did not find that funny...
well fuzzy logic is a 10 oclock class so i took my laptop and i swear i wanted to read but ...... i ended up browsing until 9:30 sha sha... *covers face in shame*
its not my fault na... the internet seduced me.
God will punish who ever invented fuzzy logic... Mrs O as far as im concerned was just speaking arabaic.. after locking me outta the class for 30mins cos i waz just 10mins late mscheeeew. only to come and teach rubbish.
then why is musa such a lazy man?
MR MUSA who thought it funny to put on a bow tie to class was to lazy to fully explain an example to us in class and stormed out forming vex when we didnt even do anything. oniranu oshi..
he sed we were complaining, but wount u self complain if u were tricked into doing a course where it take your lecturer 1 hour to solve 1 part of an equation which is divided into 4 parts.
so much studying to do... i swear final year is not easy and i have to up my grades if i dont wanna be homeless after grad. (my parents are still expecting first class. lool )
i knt suffer like this only 4 sm1 to come and expell me o... lailai.. it cant happen.
Friday, August 12, 2011
ok i met a doctor when i waznt really feeling fine and i actually asked him about this weight gain issue cos im also naturally skinny.
he actually put me on a diet like they do to those pple that wanna lose weight,
lemmy share part of what he told me
1) EXERCISE: but not all type of exercises are mad for skinny people, i was told to do push-ups and muscle gaining exercises BUT NOT EVERY DAY. as a girl like me, i was assured that i wount gain muscle like professional muscle builders (10k God ) cos of my gender and as long as i dont do it every day bt when u exercise, u tend 2 eat more cos of your body is being forced to change,
P.S (FOR GIRLS): there re exercises that could actually make you curvier
2) AVOID JUNK FOOD (MADE OF SUGAR): COS minerals and all the sugar in the food will just give you a lot of energy and stop you from actually eating and NATURALLY SKINNY PEOPLE will probably burn all the sugar cos they are almost always hyper active, and they are also unhealthy,
3) A LOT OF FRUITS: like a literally a lot of fruits, everybody knows the advantages of fruits. and BANANAS make some people gain weight.
4) EAT NORMALLY: don't over feed your self cos u'll just end up getting indigestion but make sure you are filled up when you eat and eat a little more than you usually do. eat 3 times a day or as you normally do but remember to add milk, yogurt and all those potentially fattening food to your diet (PLS NOT TO MUCH)
5) DONT OBSESS: if u keep on looking at a scale u might get disappointed so just be normal.
6) SNACK A LOT: on healthy snacks sha like nuts and crackers (im not too sure about this). this is for those that work sha and cant eat everytime,
Anyways i hope some of you trying to gain weight would benefit from these but remember you have to do this the healthy way so that you wont have problems when you gain the weight and u cant loose it or so u wont have health problems when you 40,
P.S: i waz also placed on some multivitamins, (that's all i have now)
and its working for me, i hope it works 4 ya'll.
he actually put me on a diet like they do to those pple that wanna lose weight,

lemmy share part of what he told me
1) EXERCISE: but not all type of exercises are mad for skinny people, i was told to do push-ups and muscle gaining exercises BUT NOT EVERY DAY. as a girl like me, i was assured that i wount gain muscle like professional muscle builders (10k God ) cos of my gender and as long as i dont do it every day bt when u exercise, u tend 2 eat more cos of your body is being forced to change,
P.S (FOR GIRLS): there re exercises that could actually make you curvier

2) AVOID JUNK FOOD (MADE OF SUGAR): COS minerals and all the sugar in the food will just give you a lot of energy and stop you from actually eating and NATURALLY SKINNY PEOPLE will probably burn all the sugar cos they are almost always hyper active, and they are also unhealthy,
3) A LOT OF FRUITS: like a literally a lot of fruits, everybody knows the advantages of fruits. and BANANAS make some people gain weight.
4) EAT NORMALLY: don't over feed your self cos u'll just end up getting indigestion but make sure you are filled up when you eat and eat a little more than you usually do. eat 3 times a day or as you normally do but remember to add milk, yogurt and all those potentially fattening food to your diet (PLS NOT TO MUCH)
5) DONT OBSESS: if u keep on looking at a scale u might get disappointed so just be normal.
6) SNACK A LOT: on healthy snacks sha like nuts and crackers (im not too sure about this). this is for those that work sha and cant eat everytime,
Anyways i hope some of you trying to gain weight would benefit from these but remember you have to do this the healthy way so that you wont have problems when you gain the weight and u cant loose it or so u wont have health problems when you 40,
P.S: i waz also placed on some multivitamins, (that's all i have now)

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